hi, i found a stickers and an invite to this forum attached to my last order from tactical trim, so here I am. I am located in Brno, Czechia, mostly I sew:
- bumbags/chestbags, the idea is to make a durable and long lasting product, which will be the last one person would buy
standard size https://www.bigsur.cz/2024/05/04/ledvinka-standard/
and cargo size https://www.bigsur.cz/2024/04/22/kargo-ledvinka/
- man skirts, big and deep pockets, comfortable design https://www.bigsur.cz/2022/12/11/carbon-structure/
- pedal straps for fixed gear bikes, I wasn't happy with the straps you could buy in Czechia, so as a fixie rider and sewer I developed a straps with some improved details https://www.bigsur.cz/strapy/
- then I do some custom bicycle bags, e.g. a frame bag:
and front rack "suit (or rather beer) case"
oh, yeah, I also weld (TIG), so the rack is my work as well:
If you like my work, please follow my instagram account https://www.instagram.com/bigsurcz